購物滿HK$1,400,即可尊享限量版金秀賢簽名相片卡及古龍水瓶蓋、古龍水 9ml及潤膚乳霜 15ml。禮遇碼:KSH
購買任何芳醇古龍水 50/100ml,即可尊享芳醇古龍水 9ml及芳醇古龍水 1.5ml。禮遇碼:ROSES
購買任何療癒賦活系列產品2件,即可尊享手部及身體沐浴凝膠 5ml及潤膚乳霜 5ml。禮遇碼:CARE
購物滿HK$2,600,即可尊享芳醇古龍水 9ml及3件香氛盛禮。禮遇碼:FEB
購物滿$1,500,即可尊享芳醇古龍水 9ml及芳醇古龍水 1.5ml。禮遇碼:ANY
At Your Service
Our worldwide stores are homes from home. We take pride in our bespoke service - combining a modern take on luxury with a personal, long-lasting relationship. Discover how our Stylists can advise you on your journey.
Hand & Arm Massage
Our signature ritual. Discover our palette of exquisite scents and learn about our Fragrance Combining philosophy.
20 minutes
Scent For You
Explore the ingredients you love, and are yet to know, as our Stylists take you on a fragrance journey to find a new signature scent.
10 minutes
Essentials For Men
Discover a new signature scent and how to add fragrant essentials into your daily routine.
10 minutes
Scent Your Wedding
Design a scented day to remember, discover scents to suit your special day and gifts they'll treasure after.
30 minutes
Scent Your Home
Discover how to decorate with scent with expert tips on home fragrance.
10 minutes