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婚禮讓我們可大條道理滿足最瘋狂的夢想。擁有超過25年經驗的Suzie Turner與英倫工藝結下不解緣,以破格創新的手法為一眾新娘子披上美麗絕倫的嫁衣。
高級時裝設計師Suzie Turner愛於細微之處著眼,利用細節及出眾英倫工藝,締造眾人心目中最漂亮的婚紗。她憑藉25年經驗,不論是美輪美奐的晚裝還是令她打響名堂的精緻婚紗,所創造的每條裙子都將傳統技術及耗時費力的手工刺繡發揚光大,單是標籤已經要花五天手工縫紉。「一針一線都在這裡完成,並在這裡飾上和手工綁上每顆珠飾。」一般晚裝需時約四個月完成, 而目前製作中的繁花設計連身裙已經耗費八個月,還有3,000塊花瓣有待添上。當初引起我們注意的,正是這份對細節一絲不苟的堅持,另一點是她會在位於東倫敦的工作室燃點Jo Malone London的香氛工藝蠟燭,幫助她啟發靈感。她會視乎心情,選用牡丹與胭紅麂絨或黑石榴香氛工藝蠟燭。
The average gown takes approximately four months to complete, although the blossom-inspired dress she’s currently working on is in its eighth month, with 3,000 petals still to be added. It’s this commitment to meticulous detail which first caught our attention. Along with the fact that she burns Jo Malone London Candles to help inspire her in her East London studio. Peony & Blush Suede and Pomegranate Noir depending on her mood.
Leaving school at 15, sewing was all Suzie knew. ‘My mother ran a soft furnishings business, so I was using an industrial sewing machine at age 12. When I left school and headed to the Job centre, it dawned on me that I didn’t have any other skills beyond sewing; I couldn’t read or write. So I applied to work at a tailors.’ Working 14-hour shifts, six days a week, helped Suzie learn the full grammar of tailoring, and she was determined to master every element.
It was the endless appeal of love stories that drew Suzie to bridal. ‘Everyone deserves their moment, and it’s an incredible pleasure that I can be a part of that. It’s so special that I can help a bride realise their dream, and that my designs will also always be part of the recollection.’
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